Monday, November 29, 2010

i am a wuss.

one of my biggest pet peeves is when shows are cancelled. another pet peeve is when i wuss out. both of these things happened in one night in the not too distant past.
i already knew that swimming with dolphins had dropped off the abandon kansas show but i was determined to make it a fabulous night because abandon kansas is kind of fabulous, even if austin tofte wasn't going to serenade me.
so a group of us piled into some cars, went to buffalo wild wings, i got a call from one of my besties (it's worth mentioning because i really hate talking on the phone but i heart this boy so it was worth chatting for a few), ate some delicious fried cheese (aka mozerella sticks), and then scooted on over to the show.
we arrived near the end of the first act. they weren't that good. i think the second act was okay but to be perfectly honest i completely lost interest in the show because who should walk in but love-of-my-life-austin. i grabbed my roommate's arm so hard that i think i hurt her, she literally said, "ouch!" i was distracted the entire show. an inner war raged within me, do i talk to him and reveal myself as the girl who sent him a facebook message after seeing him on the street or do i let him walk out of my life forever?
i wussed out. didn't talk to him. never made eye contact. he left. now we'll never get married.
have i ever mentioned that i'm a bit of a drama queen?
ps. abandon kansas killed it.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

honesty day.

it started as a night selling merch for hawk nelson, it ended up being a share-fest with me, a roommate and a boy i barely know.
hawk nelson brought their "fly me to the show" tour through minneapolis and of course i was hanging out behind the merch table.
since my roommate and i were the most "experienced" merch people there that night, we got the headliners. it was great because not only is that generally the busiest table but hawk's road manager/traveling merch man, adam, is awesome. he's seriously hilarious and used to play keys for falling up (so that immediately made this girl a little star-struck). so adam gave us the run down of the merch, headed backstage and the show started.
we were having a great time and adam kept checking back to make sure everything was going okay and each time would chat for a bit before leaving again. during one of these random talks my roommate, we'll call her jenessa, blatantly stated that she really didn't like hawk nelson as a band and thus began, "honesty day". thanks j-ness for your unabashed honesty and kicking that whole night of randomness off.
it started off talking about music...then we moved to hipsters. we realized the definition of hipster is, in fact, portland. now i'm not necessarily a hipster but i do appreciate a checkered shirt and i own a pair of fake glasses. that's as far as i go. but i wasn't about to tell that since they all seemed a little anti-hipster.
then adam shared some interesting news about a former falling up i happened to think i was going to marry and adopt beautiful children with. well when said boy split and made his own side project he didn't commit as much as he could have and gave up...even though he could have been great with a little effort. so instead he married adam's best friend. it's like a soap opera i tell ya!
honesty day ended with me telling both jenessa and adam that my underwear were falling off. it's a long story and there was no way to hike them up so i was stuck. thank the Lord i wasn't in a dress this time.
honesty day was a complete success.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

"there's thunder in the forecast"

my entire family digs music. while we don't all listen to the same type of music generally there is one group we all agree on, celtic thunder. i know, i know, sounds a little cheesy but who doesn't love 5 irish guys singing, dancing and looking painfully attractive in kilts?
my parents decided to get us early christmas presents and got my entire family (minus my sister, cause she lives sooooo far away- boo) tickets to see our collectively favorite group! stoked. we all have favorites in the band and mine happens to be the 20-something surfer boy with golden hair and crooked grin. his name is keith harkin and his song the island is so phenomenally good that i have to play it at least 3 times whenever i listen to it.
since this post could be pages and pages long i will bullet-point why the celtic thunder show was so epic:
* they have tasty accents
* they can all sing...and i mean sing
* they can sing spiritual songs in a secular setting and no one questions it because they are irish so they all must be catholic, right?
* their u2 cover brought down the house
* i'm ashamed to admit this but i really enjoy synchronized dancing
* i was with my beautiful family
* i wore a great lbd
* the state theater in minneapolis is a gorgeous venue
* during the song "hallelujah" there was a guy in a wheelchair with his arms raised the entire song. his outright praise was moving. i watched him more during that song than the guys singing.
* keith harkin. yum.
the end.