Sunday, June 23, 2013


here are some things that bands do onstage that are tacky:
*maybe you're thinking that it's really cocky of me to assume that i know what's tacky and what's not but you know what? i have gone to a lot of concerts, so i'm pretty much a professional.
  1. name dropping while pretending like it's nothing. hey up-and-coming band, that's really great that you got to work with stephen christian of anberlin but you don't need to try and impress us with that knowledge. or if you REALLY feel like you have to let us know he was a part of it, say it with a sense of awe and not like it's not a big deal.
  2. saying how much it cost to make your album. yes it cost a lot of money, yes people don't pay for music anymore, yes i know it's how you make your living. most people have to invest something into their careers; painters buy brushes, canvases, and paint. cosmetologists buy ridiculously expensive scissors. teachers buy supplies/decorations for their classrooms. truckers buy their own trucks (sometimes). instead of trying to make me feel like i should buy it because you put a lot of money into it, put on an incredible show and make me want to buy it, i probably will. 
  3. telling me how hard road life is. having hosted a few bands in my home i have seen first-hand that road life isn't glamorous. most band members miss their loved ones, are sleeping on uncomfortable pull-out beds, and haven't had a shower in a few days. but when you're onstage and i'm in the audience and you complain about how hard your life is, i kinda wanna kick you in the shin because i would give up diet coke (and that's saying something) to hit the road and live in that world. 
  4. wearing your own merch. i get it, you wear the shirt, 15 year old in the crowd that wants to be just like you sees you wearing the shirt, they buy said shirt. it makes sense. i just don't like it. how about we get a little cross-promotion going on here and you wear another band's shirt? 
  5. giving up. i'm sorry that only a few people made it to the show and the ones that did are giving you nothing back but you throwing in the towel makes me think you are more about the fame than you are the music. at least use this time as a glorified dress-rehearsal, try a new song out on us, sing an old song that you haven't sung in awhile, make the show more personal and intimate. if you are 'there' in that moment, i promise we won't care if you forget the lyrics to the old song or have to start the new song over because you forgot the chord will probably end up being the highlight of our night. 
if you're in a band and reading this and are a little offended just know, i only say these things because i love you. 


Tuesday, June 11, 2013

confidence killer.

one of my least favorite things in the world is to hear/see myself.
not because i don't think i'm great (honestly, i think i'm pretty alright, i would be my friend if i weren't me) but because i always look and sound different than i think i do. the saying of being your own harshest critic is true. it's weird, you perceive yourself one way and then you hear your voice on your voicemail because you had to call your phone from a friend's phone because you lost yours and all you can think is "DO I REALLY SOUND LIKE THAT?"
yes. yes you do. 
or you see yourself on a vine video that you didn't know your friend was taking and the only thought passing through your head the moment you see it is "DOES MY HAIR ALWAYS LOOK LIKE THAT?"
yes. yes it does.
i say all of this because i'm currently in the middle of working on an aircheck tape (radio jargon for a file containing segments from when you're on air, like an audible resume) and it's TORTURE.
to make the tape consists of me sitting and listening to past shows that i've recorded trying to find the parts where i sound the best/most witty/like a real dj. best ones make the cut. 
it's one giant ego check listening to yourself not be funny or eloquent. i wince over every talk-tick, every too-loud laugh, and every segment that clearly flopped. it is physically painful to hear myself screw up someone's name or the name of a song. i HATE it when i can hear myself breathing (it's one of the main reasons why i don't run)!
there will be one shining moment of "hey, that sounded pretty decent!" and those gems you hold onto so you can suffer through the cough into the mic and the part where you are pretty sure you were unintentionally doing an impression of the teacher in the charlie brown cartoons.
so why put myself through such a confidence killer? because it makes me better. because radio is really about getting music to people and becoming a better dj will enhance that experience.
as terrible as sitting and listening to myself for hours is at least i don't have to watch myself as well.


Monday, June 3, 2013


if you've followed my blog since the beginning (probably no one) or if you've gone back and read older posts (still probably no one) you might remember some of the stories...
remember how a couple of years ago i met a guy named jonathan thulin when i was judging a battle of the bands? you know, he was in a band and doing his own side project and then asked if i would be in his music video (where i ended up looking like a fool)?
remember how crown radio hosted a battle of the bands? remember how jonathan was there as a judge? and then at that battle he met the boys of harps & liars? maybe you'll remember that they won the battle and then met up with jonathan at his studio to talk music?
so you remember all of that, right?
well what i DIDN'T tell you was that while the harps & liars boys were at jonathan's studio they recorded some gang vocals for jonathan's band's (press play) upcoming album!
guess what? (sick of the questions yet?)
it has been released!
the song is called #LITO- love in the open.
the album, by the same name, is releasing in october of this year. they're asking for your help, they need you to upload pictures of yourself with what love means to you for their cover art and music video!
so if you've got a spare moment and a smart phone or camera or laptop with picture taking abilities do them a solid and send them a pic. who knows...maybe it will be your 15 minutes of fame!
if you've got a second spare moment, check out the song:
it's upbeat and dance-y! make sure you listen for the gang vocals of the harps & liars boys in the background!
