Tuesday, January 21, 2014

it takes two.

i love honesty in songs.
mat kearney recently said in an interview that he loves being vulnerable and that it makes his songs better. i completely agree, heart-on-your-sleeve writing delivers the songs that take your breath away and hit that soft spot in your heart where you can totally relate. the songwriter is putting their deepest fears or their hardest memories or their love for someone (when it may not be reciprocated) out there for all the world to see and judge to either be wholeheartedly embraced or completely rejected. eeeek.

i hate being vulnerable, i think it's terrifying. i guess i'll never be a songwriter.

i just heard a song that falls into that category of 'honest songs' coming from a lady who is known for her brazen honesty, katy perry. she's written about kissing girls and tight jeans & sunglasses and fireworks and friday night shenanigans but this song has an air of difference about it. it seems just a little more raw (lyrically, not musically. musically it's still super polished) and from a deeper place. it's about a break-up and taking responsibility for it.

it's easy for the listener to sing along and maybe add in their own pain from a break-up but they aren't singing it for thousands of people every night. did she tear up the first few times she sang it because the situation was still real? do thoughts of that relationship and that person come to mind every time she sings it? does it get easier to put your whole heart out there for everyone to see?

whatever your feelings on ms. perry, check out the song, i dig it. maybe it's just because i'm so terrible at that sort of openness.


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