Friday, October 31, 2014

frontman friday: halloween

i LOVE halloween. i hate scary things but i love halloween. it was a big deal in my growing up. we lived in the middle of my sleepy little town and everyone did halloween during my younger years. my town was only 3,000 people strong and each year we'd get at least 500 trick-or-treaters. everyone around town decorated their houses and passed out candy and it was awesome.

in addition to the usual carving pumpkins and dressing up (which meant group halloween costumes with my friends during my teenage years. everything from the cast of the golden girls to disney princesses to characters from various pauly shore movies, yep we were the coolest teens you will ever meet) we also ate chili every year. my body craves chili on halloween.

i was supposed to do a group costume again this and a few friends were going to go as the spice girls. i was thisclose to convincing them to go karaoke bar hopping performing 'wannabe' at each one but then i realized that october 31st is the day before november 1st and i'm moving on november 1st so that really wasn't going to work. gah.

so now instead of pretending to be posh spice all night (she was the worst spice girl but in the end she married david beckham so it really worked out alright for her) i'm going to be cleaning my apartment in preparation of hauling all of my earthly belongings across the city tomorrow.

and i will be eating chili from wendy's because some halloween traditions are not allowed to die.

i promise i'll be back with an actual frontman next week!


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