Friday, January 9, 2015

frontman friday: ed sheeran

friday! it's here, you guys! woohoo!

maybe it's because it was a full week back at work after a glorious 11 days off...or maybe because i've been living in sub-zero, close-schools-because-it's-too-cold, your-lungs-freeze-when-you-breathe weather for the past 5 days...but this week seemed to take it's sweet time.

but we're to the weekend now and the temps are on the rise (they say we are supposed to hit 10 by tomorrow, double digits ABOVE zero, baby!) and i get to write about one of my favorite things. it's basically a julie andrews song up in here.

he's british like julie: ed sheeran
these pics were already together. 2-for-1. score.
photo credit: an ed sheeran fan site

he sings under his own name but often at shows he's his own band. he uses a loop pedal and tracks everything himself so he totally counts as a frontman. 
shut up, he does too count as a frontman.
photo credit: ed sheeran

if you flip through radio channels on the regular (guilty) you've probably heard multiple different singles of his being played on multiple different types of stations. he infuses spoken-word/rap into pop on some songs and then others are acoustic ballads (the kind that make you close your eyes and sway your head when you sing them). but no matter what style he's doing it always seems effortless.
how can you not fall in love? it's impossible. 

i've only had the privilege of seeing sheeran once live. it was at jingle ball 2 years ago. it was at the largest entertainment center in minnesota and i was in the second to last row. so yeah, it was pretty intimate.
don't waste your time, you can't see the stage at all in this pic.
he sang 'give me love' though so that's all that really matters.

oh ed, you are not my typical type when it comes to looks but your voice and your songwriting and your tattoos all add up to a pretty great package. now stop spending so much time with taylor swift and come be my friend. 


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