Monday, April 27, 2015

be a better person, okay?

it's monday morning and i'm feeling a little ragey. i don't know why...the sun is shining, it's going to be a fabulous week (got a lot on the docket), and i just found a mini-bag of doritos in my desk that i had forgotten about (unopened! better believe i'm eating them now)...but i have some grievances i need to air.

i have a few pet-peeves that i feel probably fall into a lot of people's pet-peeves list, those things that people do that everyone gets annoyed by. here are a couple of things that bother me and how to fix them. a list of how do to life better if you will:

  • if you're walking down the sidewalk or in a park or wherever and it's not packed with people don't creep up or pace 2 steps behind the one other person walking. either speed up and go around, cross the street, or slow your roll so you aren't directly on my heels for blocks. i know you aren't going to mug me but it's annoying so knock it off.
  • follow through on your commitments, if you say you are going to be somewhere or help with something, show up. and if you can't for some legitimate reason don't send a text in the eleventh hour, call and sincerely apologize. this goes even just for fun, friend things. 
  • stop linking all of your social network sites. use them differently or just have one. i don't need to see the picture that you put on instagram in my twitter timeline and in my facebook newsfeed. especially if it's not even that great of a picture. or don't be offended when i unfollow you.
  • telling someone they have good or bad taste in anything is silly. you are either telling them that they have the same taste as you or the opposite taste as's subjective and you can't definitely say one way or the other. the only exception here is if one of your girls always goes for dudes who are terrible people who bring her down/ruin her self-image/get her arrested/etc. 
  • the general lack of politeness in today's society is ridiculous. is it really that hard to hold a door open for another human being? or offer to carry (or help carry) something that looks heavy? or make pleasant conversation while you're both in line at the coffee shop or waiting for the elevator? even making eye contact and smiling hello at a stranger on the street can make their day better and requires so little effort on your part. 
  • this one is specifically for dog owners: if i walk by you with my (and by my i mean my roommate's) dog and you see me get in between my dog and your dog and hear me say "leave it" to my dog...KEEP YOUR DOG AWAY FROM MY DOG. there is a reason i don't want them interacting and it's probably that my dog wants to eat your dog. 

thanks for letting me get that off my chest.

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