so here's a sneak peek into my brain and the things i can't stop thinking about long enough to write even a half-cracked blog post:
this quote. i cannot stop mulling over this quote. a friend of mine put it up on her instagram the other day and i must have read it at precisely the right moment because it lodged itself squarely into my heart and mind. broken people make up the Church. we are those broken people and because of grace we have hope. we are never too far gone for God to reach us and use us. that's some beautiful Truth right there.
being a proud minnesotan, if i'm going to go to a coffee chain caribou is my choice. and right now i have a 1/2 off drink in my perks account that expires today and i really want to go get a drink but it's already afternoon and i don't know that it's the wisest idea. maybe decaf shots in that iced white mocha that's calling my name?
these two cutie pies are my nephews and they cross my mind daily. mostly because my siblings send pictures of them in our family group text on the reg but also because i luff them. and they're coming to visit so soon! like this week and next week soon. can't wait to hold, squish, and love on 'em.
why do we dream what we dream? is it just our subconscious sorting out information we've taken in? is it stuff our imaginations have created? is it what we hope for? or the things we fear most? is there any stock in dreams? do they mean anything? can i just pick and choose which dreams i would like to come true? question after question after question about dreams running around in my little noodle.
a guy. yep, being super girly here. but you know what? i am a girl and i feel like i can't be blamed that a handsome fella keeps popping himself into my wandering mind. we aren't dating. but i am harboring what middle schoolers refer to as a crush. he's a christian, a musician, and he owns a motorcycle. if he wants to adopt he's basically the hypothetical dream guy i tweeted about years ago. there's no way i'm putting a picture of him on here though because that seems like a really great way for him to find this post and then learn about this silly crush and that sounds like the type of thing that would make me want to crawl in a hole and die. i'm not good with emotions and vulnerability.
a guy. yep, being super girly here. but you know what? i am a girl and i feel like i can't be blamed that a handsome fella keeps popping himself into my wandering mind. we aren't dating. but i am harboring what middle schoolers refer to as a crush. he's a christian, a musician, and he owns a motorcycle. if he wants to adopt he's basically the hypothetical dream guy i tweeted about years ago. there's no way i'm putting a picture of him on here though because that seems like a really great way for him to find this post and then learn about this silly crush and that sounds like the type of thing that would make me want to crawl in a hole and die. i'm not good with emotions and vulnerability.
those are the reasons i find myself unable to construct a blog post that is coherent or interesting or well thought-out, etc. the reasons my mind is spinning but mostly just in circles, going nowhere. if you've got any great insight into any of these things, the quote, the coffee dilemma, compliments on how cute my nephews are, the multitude of dream questions, or the boy...hit me with it.