Friday, August 28, 2015

"the year of sara"

i have been caving a lot as of late.

i caved and got an instagram and then i caved and got a spotify. i wasn’t all “streaming services are of the devil” but i generally prefer to own my music. and not even just ‘own’ it, i like to have a physical copy. i promise it’s the only thing i hoard. 

there’s just something about holding an album and liner notes that makes me downright gleeful

but it’s hard to switch out cd’s while i’m sitting at my desk and not look like a total dork. not only that, cd's take up a ton of space and i moved from my own office to basically having just a desk so space is at a premium. no more bookshelf full of albums for me to rotate through = jumping on the streaming services bandwagon.

so i signed up for spotify because how else am i going to listen to jeremy loops at work? no one is playing him on the radio! (shame on you, radio.)  

as a former radio dj there’s no way i can’t not make a few playlists. that used to be my daily existence, making playlists, it’s in my blood. 

but i didn’t want to make a playlist just for the sake of making a playlist so my first playlist is dedicated to all of the fantastic artists that are coming to my city that i am seeing live and in person in the year 2015. my roommate says 2015 is “the year of sara” because it’s ridiculous how ALL of my favorites are coming through this year. ALL of them. every last one. i would tell her to stop but it’s true, 2015 is proof that God loves me a lot. 

as you listen (if you choose to listen, if you choose to not listen then i don’t know why we are even friends) take a second to stop and be jealous that i get to see all of these incredible artists this year. i know, i can barely believe it myself. 2015 is so fabulous my heart is on the verge of exploding...all the time.

i won't make you wait any longer, here it is in all it’s glorious wonder. close your eyes and drink it in deep my friends, that’s the sound of all of my loves coming together in one place for an hour (or so). if you’re having trouble picturing all of the awesome, let me know and i can send you a slideshow with all of their faces. 


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