Thursday, November 26, 2015

thankful thursday.

we've made it another year and to another thanksgiving! GO TEAM.

i know thankful posts are overdone but we're to the end of the actual day and this post is half-baked anyway so i'm going to do everyone's favorite thing: a list. here's a list of 30 things for which i am thankful; one thing for each year i've been on this earth.

1. Jesus
2. family
3. friends
4. my health
5. my job(s)
6. my city (minneapolis)
7. all the fur-kids in my life (who are basically family)
8. music that makes my heart constrict and my eyes well up with tears
9. music that makes me want to dance and sing at the top of my lungs
10. coffee
11. diet coke
12. the ability to travel and seeing new places
13. other cultures
14. creativity
15. the goodwill outlet
16. books
17. my winter boots
18. dark chocolate
19. the ocean
20. hope
21. hot tub club
22. concerts
23. airplanes
24. friends (the show)
25. my cozy apartment
26. modern technology
27. nail polish
28. hugs
29. this lil blog of thoughts
30. love

hope you're feeling especially blessed this year...i know i am!

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