Wednesday, May 25, 2016

when you get turned into a meme.

you know how you have those friends that you have been friends with for wayyyyy too long? the ones who know all of the embarrassing stories and have pictures of you during your awkward stages in life?

i have one of those friends.

the other day she found a disgusting old picture of me and got a little creative with it. she did what any good friend would do and turned it into a meme. she took all the tragic stories of my past (all centered around music, of course) and made it into a meme that actually makes me shed tears from laughing. they're hilarious. i look so gross and my life has been beautifully disappointing and i'm beginning to think it's probably better that way. certainly more entertaining, anyway.

as much as i feel like these shouldn't be on the internet for my own personal self-esteem reasons they are just too good to not share. and because i'm too vain to let you think i look like that on a regular basis here's a bit of context to the picture: it was taken one morning days into a music festival after i had just woken up. i was seriously sunburned and puffy, was averaging a handful of hours of sleep each night because i was "camping" in a stuffy astro mini-van, and also sometimes my face just makes that face. if you've read this blog from the beginning, you'll recognize these stories, most of them have gotten their own post.

seriously, i'm dying just looking at them again. and there are more. more stories of my life not turning out how i envisioned it would being paired with what is quite possibly the worst picture of me ever. some day i'll post a round two ;) 

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