Wednesday, November 7, 2012

mistakes and learning.

i am a firm believer in the idea that you never stop learning.
it's not always book or classroom learning.
often we learn from making mistakes.
recently i learned that if you are going to take pictures with cookies featuring the faces of your favorite band boys expect them to be seen by the band boys.

*if you have no idea what i am talking about, scroll back to earlier this year and read the story about how my roommates are wonderful people.*

my one roommate decided that she was going to the music with a mission tour in a town a couple of hours away. i didn't end up going. what i didn't know was that icon for hire was on that tour. not a huge icon for hire fan but i am a fan of their drummer. or rather, i'm a fan of his huge biceps. so that is what i put as the caption when i took a picture with my "adam" cookie and put it up on facebook. i know, i'm a real class act.

see? super classy.

while at the show my roommate decided to show adam the picture of me holding the cookie with his face rosie-the-riveter-style. i know my muscles are super impressive but it's probably really awkward to see a picture with your face on a cookie being held by a girl you have never met.
they then proceeded to take a picture of him balancing her phone (with my cookie picture on it) on his bicep. now i'm the one who's awkward.

but look at those biceps! 

but then i figured he already knows that i'm weirdly obsessed so i friended him on facebook. now we're friends and you know if i meet him someday that i will straight up tell him that i'm "that girl who had the cookie with your face on it" because clearly i don't learn from my mistakes.
