Tuesday, December 23, 2014

the best way to spread Christmas cheer is singing loud for all to hear.

if you are feeling like today is the longest day in the history of days because you're going to be off work for a few days after today and all of your coworkers are basically gone already and the minutes seem to take hours then i think we might be the same person.

if you need just a minute (actually it's 2 minutes but who's counting?) of Christmas cheer, look no further than 1D, jimmy fallon and classroom instruments.

seriously, i don't know one person who doesn't like jimmy fallon. everything he touches turns to gold. and those direction boys make me smile. 

i'm actually sad i will be missing their special on NBC tonight. if you're reading this and you have a DVR, could you record it for me and then sometime in january i'll come over to your house (complete with a pizza and diet coke) and we can watch it? or if you'd rather not watch it, i can just watch it by myself. i'm totally secure in the fact that i'm a handful of years older than all of them and still love them more than i should.

may your Christmas be merry and bright, full of love and warm fuzzies. 

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