Monday, March 30, 2015

eggs and Jesus and Good Friday.

we are less than a week away from Easter...there are still eggs to dye, baskets to be hidden, and jelly beans and peeps to consume.

it's also the single most important holiday for Christians. when a man, who was born to a virgin and lived a perfect life, was murdered and then rose from the dead to save all of humanity from an eternal life of condemnation.

yeah, if you've never read the Bible you're missing out on some gnarly stuff.

so Easter is great and i'm for it all. i completely understand that it's about Jesus but i don't hate that it can also mean a get together with my family to eat ham and cheesy potatoes and a pastel manicure in place of my usual black/dark grey. i just really like celebrating things so i'm not usually one to bicker about the over-commercialization of every holiday known to man.

but before we get to the sunday morning service it's important to remember the three days prior. those dark days when hope was gone and a heaviness had settled in. i assume the disciples felt alone and scared and lost. they'd followed this dude around for 3 years and now he was dead and he seemingly didn't do the thing they thought he had come to do.

maybe that place is where you are now. hope seems lost and you feel abandoned. nothing is going right or turning out the way you planned. for every step forward it's three steps back. i've been there. we all have.

don't give up, sunday morning is coming.

bruce balgaard put it best when he said, "you don't always see Easter during your [personal] Good Friday."

when your situation feels like it's swallowing you whole know that God is in that too. there's that saying, "God will never give you more than you can handle," i think it's crap. i think God gives us more than we can handle so we turn to Him. your wait may be longer than three days. it might take weeks, months, years but there is a light at the end of the tunnel. it won't seem like it, but squint and you'll see that pin-prick of sun in the distance.

so when Easter rolls around in just 6 short days and you find yourself in church singing 'up from the grave he arose' and 'victory in jesus' in the midst of your personal Good Friday sing with gusto because your sunday morning is coming.


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