Wednesday, June 2, 2010

rock stars and thrift stores= 2 of my favorite things.

i grew up shopping at thrift stores. we shopped at thrift stores before thrift stores were cool. i used to be embarassed about shopping in said stores, now the thought of paying retail makes me throw up in my mouth. i love thrift stores so much i even worked in one (it's called ThriftSmart and if you're ever in nashy you should hit it up- say hi to martha while you're there).
the second greatest thing about working at this particular thrift store were the amazing customers that came in. the first greatest thing was tuesdays when clothing was a quarter- my closet grew tenfold. but back to the customers......they were awesome. from the little mexican kids who only spoke spanish to the ridiculous old man who wintered in florida and asked me what it was like "kissin the boys with that thing in your lip [my lip ring]" to the rock stars who came in. true story, rock stars came into my store.
the first one that came in was randy owens, the lead singer from the band alabama. he was there for a 'hands on nashville' event so he wasn't shopping but it totally counts.
the second one was todd milsap (ronnie milsap's son). he was there doing community service and called me "sara baby" and paid for his purchases with quarters. epic. thirdly there was britt from the now-defunct band, the swift. he was donating a bunch of stuff to the store and we got chatting. his band had played at my college once and he said he remembered playing there. he couldn't believe how "remote" it felt (that's when i knew he actually remembered). i seriously considered telling him that me and one of my friends have matching "the swift" shirts and wore them one day to be twins but figured he probably didn't care even a little bit so i let it go.
fourth (and last for this post), was jason from a great nashville band called shirock. he also used to be in a little band called paramore, heard of them? anyway, he came in and was buying a bunch of silverware. i thought it was weird but i also thought it was a great excuse to talk to the handsome guitarist so i asked him about it. turns out, he makes jewlery out of it. lots of rings, bracelets and pendants. he was wearing a few of his creations and they were really cool (and i'm not just saying that because he happens to be in a band, they really were cool). after i oogled his jewelry i admitted that i knew who he was and how i had heard about shirock from a friend of mine who had filled in on bass for them for awhile. our conversation was going great, we had stuff and people in common, i said i wanted to buy one of his rings, he said i should come to a show, pure magic. i haven't seen him since.
so if you see jason (or any other rock star for that matter) let them know i wear a ring size 6.

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