Saturday, March 5, 2011

i bid thee farewell.

one of my favorite clubs just had to move out of their current location. i was privileged enough to be able to judge the final battle of the bands night that was being held at the club the day before they moved out. i felt like an american idol judge (and i would pick to be ellen cause paula was crazy, kara liked the sound of her own voice way too much, and j-lo is such a diva). there were many things that made the night at the club fantastic, here are the highlights:

  • a couple of really incredible bands
  • free jimmy john's
  • getting one last chance to be in the place that deepened my love for live shows
  • feeling legit- my scores were the same as the judge from universal records
  • hanging out with quality people
while the ministry of the club isn't over, i'm sure gonna miss the 5th st locale.


1 comment:

  1. I feel yer pain! Even though it's differentish, there have been a ton of venue closures in our area as of late. It's really making it harder for a band like I've Died Daily to get shows! So yeah, I feel yer pain! ;)

    I'm glad to hear you had a great time!

    God bless and keep the faith!

