Tuesday, June 21, 2011

roadtrips and memories.

here's a throw back story cause it's been awhile since i've written one of those:
traveling=love. so when i can combine a road trip with a concert it makes my world that much more happy. remember when i was one of the biggest newsboys' fans around? well i was in 10th grade the year 'thrive' came out and i had not missed a tour since 'take me to your leader' so there was no way i was going to miss this one. unfortunately the closest the tour was coming to my little hometown, minnesota was winnipeg, manitoba, canada. okay....roadblock....me and all my friends were like 16 and there is no way on earth our parents were going to let us drive to canada for a concert. so we put our thinking caps on.
"hey, rachel and ian (volunteer youth leaders) are from winnipeg, let's see if they'll take us!" - they agreed right away and we gathered together about a dozen people, made matching sharpie shirts, found a big ol' van to use and bumped our way up over the border.
of course nothing ever goes as easily as planned and we had one flat tire and one fat face to add to our list of memories from the trip. praise God for random middle-of-nowhere tire shops and vicodin (poor boy had his wisdom teeth taken out the previous day but refused to miss the show- yeah, my friends are hardcore).
once we finally made it to the arena we got to see some of my old favorites (the nb's) and an opening band that would turn out to be one of my favorites for years to come. maybe you've heard of them? they're called thousand foot krutch. funny to think that at the time i didn't know that less than 10 years later i would have met them a bunch of times, told trevor he has pretty enamels and sold their merch on more than one occasion.
never let a few hundred miles stand between you and the things, or people, that you love.
ps. canadians are crazy!


  1. TFK BABY!!!! My daughter (who is not even 4 yet) headbangs to TFK. :)

    A few HUNDRED miles? Man... I get edgy when it's just a few tens of miles. LOL :D

    God bless dear sister!


  2. if i could "like" your daughter headbanging to tfk i totally would :)
