Tuesday, October 16, 2012

dirty pretty.

music festivals are where all the pretty boys congregate. this is not even close to an exaggeration, seriously, i think they all call each other and tell each other to be there.
so, as an appreciator of beauty, i am a big fan of music festivals.
it just so happened to be the first night of a festival when i spotted a pretty boy. he walked by, i looked at my roommate and said, "i don't hate it."
i kept seeing him throughout the weekend (helped that he wore the same shirt all weekend, what can i say, i'm a sucker for "dirty pretty") and eventually figured out what band he was in. HUGE bummer, he's in a band that i am really not a fan of and wasn't planning on going to their show.
but i decided to lay aside my dislike for a half an hour and catch part of their set. the show was about as mediocre as i expected but he did a fine job and and looked real handsome while doing it.

i may have stolen this off of his instagram account. 

so after 3 days of seeing him around and being sleep deprived and overly caffeinated i got ballsy and walked up to him, introduced myself, and told him i thought he was pretty.
he threw his head back and laughed and then gave me a hug. and then, when i wanted nothing more than to turn and walk away, he proceeded to have a ten minute conversation with me. he asked my name (since clearly he wasn't listening the first time i said it) and when i told him it was sara he said, "like the dinosaur in land before time" and i said "yeah, but spelled differently" and he asked if i was an "h" or "no h" and i said "no h" and he said "that is what i would have guessed" and i said "yep, it's pretty unbiblical" and he said to friend him on facebook and we made random other small talk and i finally made my exit.
3 days later i found him on facebook and friended him and my instant attraction started to fade. see, it's not that he's a bad person or into questionable stuff, we just have virtually NOTHING in common. he's super into eating healthy (i really like chips and diet coke), he's really into dinosaurs (i should have known from the land before time comment), and he framed a star wars comic to hang on his wall (this was really the nail in the coffin).
so i highly doubt we are going to get married and adopt babies together but i can still think he's pretty, right?


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