Wednesday, May 28, 2014

punk rock gala.

not to brag but i have some pretty rad friends. 

i find myself surrounded by passionate people who aren't afraid to take risks. it's pretty awesome and definitely inspiring. 

a couple of my friends have decided recently to attend a missions school in germany for a few weeks over the summer. super cool. as a fun side note, my sister went to a school run by the same organization in new zealand 8 years ago! obviously, like anything in life, it costs money to go and bills don't stop here at home while they are gone so they are working on some creative ways of fundraising for their trip. 

                 photo credit: stolen from the event's facebook page

these friends of mine are in a punk band so naturally they gotta stay true to who they are. so why not take all those pit kids and make them fancy? even just for one evening. 

it's going to be a night filled with food, a silent auction and taking pictures with my friends in our swanky clothes. seriously, i am almost more excited just to get dressed up than anything else concerning the night. i made my roommate (she's going to the gala too) play dress up with me last night so we could figure out what we're going to wear. such girls, i know. 

if you are free on saturday and live anywhere near, this is my formal invitation from me to you to join us! i promise it will be fun. we'll eat hors d'oeuvres (i'm pulling for bruschetta) and bid on some items (i hear there's a timeshare, tattoo sitting time, and hair care products up for grabs) that we don't know if we can actually afford. sounds fun, right?! 

and we can take a selfie. 

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