Wednesday, November 26, 2014

so very thankful.

is it super cheesy to do a thankful post? yes.
am i going to do one anyway? absolutely.

everyone has heard the argument that you should be thankful all year and not just on one day and blah blah blah but does it really hurt anyone to take a day and really appreciate everything you have in life? i don't know why people get so crabby when we pick a day to really celebrate our blessings (thanksgiving) or love (valentine's day) or our keenness for winter (groundhog's day...i swear we ALWAYS get six more weeks). if you're one of those grumpy gus's, shut it and let the rest of us enjoy expressing our excitement for every holiday.

on that note, here are a few things i am thankful for:

family and friends: i've got some of the best and i'd be lost without them.

diet coke: it's a bright spot in the middle of my day and i'm going to feel so betrayed if it gives me aspartame cancer someday.

health: with the exception of a broken tooth and debilitating cramps every month i am relatively healthy and as someone with no health insurance i really appreciate that.

art: from music to dance to photography to most forms of creative expression; art says those things i can't. except when it's like a toilet nailed to a wooden platform, i don't get that type of art.

traveling: my trip to africa was the best part of 2014. you learn so much when you engage with another culture; about them and about yourself.

mouse-free apartments: this one should be pretty self-explanatory.

frontmen: yeah, like i wasn't going to mention them.

hope: i have hope in a God who is bigger than injustice, bigger than failure or success, bigger than my dreams and fears, and loves me in all my shortcomings. it's crazy that some days i forget to be thankful for that.


ps. don't forget to watch the macy's thanksgiving day parade tomorrow...needtobreathe is playing! what?! i know!!!

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