Tuesday, December 9, 2014

i never forget a song lyric.

yesterday i told my roommate a story and said "my cousin"...she asked which cousin and then proceeded to name virtually all of my relatives. i think she was just trying to prove how well she listens when i tell boring stories. 

i then tried to name her cousins (because we are super lame and it was monday evening, what else goes on on a monday evening) and failed horribly. i think i got a grand total of 3 right. which wouldn't be too bad but we've known each other since 5th grade. oops. 

today i stumbled on this little gem. i don't know who made it but i'm pretty sure we share a brain. 

ask me what i learned in college and you'll get a couple of theories that presented themselves in every single intercultural studies class i took.

ask me a phone number other than my own and i'll only be able to tell you my mom's number and my dad's number because each of them are one digit off from mine.

ask me the name of the person i was just introduced to and you'll get deer-in-the-headlights every time. 

ask me to sing a song i haven't heard in ten years and i won't miss a line. 

this happens to everyone, right? it's not just me and a meme-generator at quotesfrenzy.com that this happens to...can't be...tell me i'm not alone...


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