Friday, August 15, 2014

frontman friday: bono

what a week, amirite?
the beginning of this week i got some shots for my trip to africa (HOLY BALLS, I AM GOING TO AFRICA) and that tetanus shot hurt like a mother. it was fine going in but i could barely lift my arm for days. days, gang. and that just wouldn't do with the weekend of stand-up paddle boarding i have planned.
stand-up paddle boarding is cool.
being a frontman is also cool.

see how cool he is?: bono
he's old enough to be my father but still OWNS that leather jacket
photo credit: the internet

bono is the most recognizable one in U2
edge is probably second most recognizable. anyone know the other two? 
photo credit: hollywood reporter

his birth name is paul hewson. when i googled his name this picture came up. and it was from the CNN website so i'm pretty sure it's actually baby bono. 
when did CNN start showing famous people's baby pictures? 

in addition to being a frontman he does an incredible amount of charitable work, a lot of it done for the continent of africa. he helped co-found the ONE campaign and product red. ONE worked to eliminate extreme poverty and deaths from preventable diseases in africa and red existed for HIV/AIDS awareness and education in africa. in the early 2000's ONE merged with DATA and bono now has a heavy hand in that.  
logo for the ONE campaign, obvi.

jon foreman (lay off, it's been WEEKS since i've mentioned him) is a huge u2 fan. he once snuck into a u2 concert in london and then later tried to give bono $40. apparently bono laughed and gave him the money back saying he used to sneak into concerts too. what a rad dude. and i'm sure he really didn't need the $40. you can read the whole story here if you feel so moved (be warned it's a pretty crappy website).

i will let you know how my tetanus riddled arm does with stand-up paddle boarding. 
happy weekend.

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