Friday, August 1, 2014

frontman friday: phil joel

it's a friday but it feels like a monday because i have been out of office all week. every time i remind myself that it is indeed friday (and NOT monday) my heart gives a joyous little jump!
and since today is all screwy and it doesn't feel like friday i'm switching it up and today we're doing frontman bassist friday because this is my blog and i do what i want. also because i really just wanted to love on one of my first loves a little bit.

the bassist that captured my heart: phil joel
you have no idea how into this i was in the late 90's
photo credit: bmoore visuals

he used to be the bassist in a band called the newsboys
(before the newsboys got all terrible)
yep, loved these guys something fierce. i saw them live at least 25 times. 
photo credit:

in 1996 the 'boys released a feature-length movie
 i am not ashamed to admit i own this on VHS
i will watch it with anyone who is willing

fun facts: 
he's from new zealand (so add in a killer accent), he was a hairdresser before becoming a musician, his birthday is in january (yep, we're birthday buddies), he has a wife and two kids (one daughter, one son), he met his wife while she was working for a radio station (HINT HINT boys in bands), he left the newsboys to put out a couple of solo records and start a movement called 'deliberate people' to encourage people to deliberately dig into the Word and actively engage their faith, he currently lives in franklin, tn and joel is actually his middle name, urry is his last. these are all facts i knew off the top of my head because i am a creep and hardcore stalked him from about 1998-2004. there are multiple posts about him on this blog and one of my friends from college still calls me sara joel (she was a good friend and fed into my delusion that i could possibly marry him even though he was already married by the time i got to college.)
this is his beautiful family plus a random brunette lady.
photo credit: the brunette lady's instagram. God bless the internet.

when i fall, i fall hard. and even though it's generally a frontman sometimes a bassist finds himself in direct line of my obsessive love...lucky duck.

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