Tuesday, February 9, 2016

chris martin, jon foreman, and dave grohl.

i was going to write a blog about the super bowl halftime show and how i actually thought chris martin did a great job despite that everyone else on the internet thought he sucked. but now the halftime show is 48 hours old and no one cares anymore.

then i thought about writing a blog about jon foreman's ted talk and how i'm pretty sure he was born to be inspirational but i figured everyone has heard me talk about jon foreman enough. but i'm still posting a link to it! you can watch it here.

and then i stumbled on this interview with dave grohl.

gonna forewarn you, he drops the F-bomb a couple times

i had a friend in high school who loved dave grohl. i didn't really get the appeal then but i totally see it now. the dude is cool. he's been in some iconic bands and is loved by millions of fans and has the respect of other artists but it doesn't seem like it's gone to his head. like he would be willing to grab-a-latte-and-chat-about-life-with-just-about-anyone-cool. 

he's specifically speaking about musicians in this piece of the interview but the lesson applies to all artists. when you create something it will be what you create it to be and you can't compare it to what it may be if someone else created it. there is always someone who will be better; a better singer, a better painter, a better dancer, a better performer, but you shouldn't let that stop you. you may not be the best but you are the only one who can create like you do and that alone may impact someone in a deeper way than you may ever know. artists are more critical of themselves than an outsider could ever be. i like to think grohl thought of theodore roosevelt's famous quote, comparison is the thief of joy, when he gave this interview. 

maybe you watched that interview and didn't get anything out of it, that's fine, you're probably not an insecure artist. then i challenge to you to encourage your artist friends who are struggling with not being the best at their craft, they need it. 



  1. interesting video. Thanks for sharing this!

    1. thanks for being the only one to ever comment on my blog :D
