Wednesday, February 17, 2016

story behind the song: thinking out loud

i was pretty disappointed with the grammys this year overall...i thought majority of the performances were boring and/or bad and went on way too long, i didn't really get any of the tributes, and seemingly everything that everyone on the internet was freaking out about, i was like, meh. it was kinda a bust in my personal opinion. i wasn't even head over heels for or completely disgusted by any of the fashion choices which is always something i love to nitpick.

one part i was super stoked about, though, was ed sheeran winning song of the year for thinking out loud. i've loved the song from first listen and i've watched the music video no less than 100x. don't judge me, it's completely captivating.

i fell in love with the song even more when i learned how it came into existence. sheeran cowrote it with an old friend who also happens to be a singer-songwriter, amy wadge. he was at her house to hang out and in a weird way she asked to write a song together to put on his album so she could pay off some of her debt. 

she played a few chords and within 20 minutes thinking out loud was born. wadge and sheeran had been talking about "everlasting love" and his girlfriend at the time. sheeran recorded a demo version on his phone and sent it to his producer saying he wanted to add it to the album even though "x" was basically complete. he did a proper recording shortly thereafter and it will forever be track 11 on the record. i'm certainly not mad about that decision. and i think it's pretty safe to say that she was able to pay off her debts and live for a few months off the royalties of thinking out loud

what i'm really saying is, we're all winners here. 


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