Monday, July 19, 2010

a poem.

i have a friend. we'll call him chad* chad really likes jen (the newish drummer in the band skillet). chad likes jen so much he wrote her a poem but didn't deliver it. this is really your gain that he never got it to her because now you get to read it here.

"roses are red.
violets are blue
i suck at rhyming
so i just thought i'd say i think you are amazing. i really appreciate what you are doing and your desire to be a godly woman and think you are breathtakingly gorgeous. you have the voice of an angel. i'm not a creep and i never do stuff like this, but i have a job and a car and a college degree in music so i'm not a deadbeat. and i'm sure you have guys asking you to marry them all the time, so sorry if i'm just another one of those guys. the point is i'm NOT just another one of those guys. i don't want to marry you. i think a phone call or two first, then some dates, meeting your parents, you meeting mine, etc should probably come first. in summation i would like to quote abba, 'take a chance, take a chance, take a chance on me' sincerely, chad"

i think it's a shame he didn't deliver it. rock star or not, any girl would swoon over beautiful words like that. haha!
*not his real name. seriously, it's not.

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