Friday, July 2, 2010

these boots are made for walkin'

i love big productions. when there's a huge stage, pyro-technics, security guards and thousands of people. but there is also a part of me that loves small, intimate concerts in the grungy little clubs where the artists mingle out on the floor because there literally is no backstage area and the stage lights consist of track lighting. i just so happened to be at one of these shows watching one of my favorite kentucky bands, the savvy (formerly nineball)along with some other bands i didn't know.
now i also love fashion and that night i was wearing my red corduroy boots. my outfit was all black and grey so the boots really popped. as i was walking into the club i was stopped by a boy who asked, "can i touch your boots?" I said, "sure!" and lifted a foot for him to give my glorious boots a feel. "rad," was his response as he rubbed the corduroy and i said, "yep, they're pretty great." we both went into the club and i met up with some friends as he went off in another direction.
the red boots.
the next time i saw him he was on stage sound checking his mic. turns out he was the lead singer of the radiance effect. opportunity missed.

1 comment:

  1. Those boots sound like they are pretty keen! Total fail on the opportunity missed...
