Wednesday, August 25, 2010

midnight text.

my friends, they know me. they know me well. i have a friend, zachary. he's a cool kid. seriously, he's one of those really cool people who isn't even trying to be cool, he just is. he lives in east nashville in a dirty community house, rides a moped, has a rat-tail, wears suspenders with skinny jeans, loves jesus and has a laugh that makes you laugh just hearing it. his biggest downfall (in my humble opinion) is that he hates the christian music scene. even though he knows a decent amount of the people in the christian music scene. we've had many a "discussion" about this. so imagine my surprise when late one night i enter into this text conversation (this may not be verbatim but it's close) :
zachary: so i'm at the bar and guess who's sitting next to me?
me: who?!
zachary: your boy matt theissen
me: oh my goodness! talk to him for me!
zachary: what?! and say what?
me: tell him you know a girl who would marry him.
zachary: no
me: okay, tell him you know a girl who would love to be his date to the doves
zachary: again, no
me: well say something!
zachary: he's with some girl
me: hurry, my window of opportunity is closing
zachary: i'm not going to say anything to him
me: you suck
zachary: haha.
honestly, why would he tease me like that?! it's just so rude. next time i'm in nashy me and zachary are going musician hunting. i mean, he owes me, really. i could be mrs. theissen right now if he hadn't screwed everything up ;)

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