Tuesday, August 21, 2012

word vomit. it never ends.

so i know the last post claimed wisdom with age but apparently age doesn't create a filter (i'm telling you, the fact that i've been alive 26 years makes zero difference). here are two more short stories of the times i've said idiotic things to boys holding instruments:

the classic crime just came through town  first time in two and a half years. their new album came out and i just absolutely love them. i literally walked into matt macdonald (lead singer) on my way into the club but managed to just smile and say, "hi." i thought to myself, "woohoo you didn't embarrass yourself, win!" and then went on to enjoy the show. after the show i was standing around chatting with a friend and mr. macdonald came out onto the floor. we made eye contact and because of some disorder in my brain, BAM, word vomit. it started off alright and then quickly went downhill, "thanks for writing songs that matter. also, maybe this sounds really fan girl but i just love your blog and think you have really great things to say. sorry, you can go sign stuff for people now." it's like i have no clue what social appropriateness is. he was kind enough to at least pretend to be touched by my words and thanked me for reminding him that he needed to blog again.

this next story is almost worse because i have met this fellow before and he lives in the same state as i do and we have some mutual friends. oh yeah, and i sang gang vocals on his cd. but i don't really know him. so a few weeks back i went to the summertime dropouts concert. after the show i promptly walked up to the bassist, we'll call him steve, and said, "this probably isn't appropriate to say to a twenty-something year old dude but i just think you're real precious." and the fact of the matter is, i can't deny any part of that. i can't deny that i said it and i can't deny that i think it's true. i do think he's precious. he responded by saying that he'd never been called precious before and that his daddy didn't raise no punk, which was ironic since he's in a pop-punk band.


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