Tuesday, September 4, 2012


i really appreciate fun.
i'm talking the band here. i mean, i appreciate having fun as well but the band fun. is quickly becoming a consistent spin in my car to and from work. the album is made up of a ton of different sounds but is still wonderfully cohesive. it's delightful.
one song, however, breaks my heart every time it plays.
track 9.
one foot.
the second verse goes a little something like this:

I happened to stumble upon a chapel last night
and I can’t help but back up when I think of what’s happens inside.
I got friends locked in boxes and no way to live.
But you call it a sin isn’t up to them.
After all, I thought we were all Your children.
But I will die for my own sins thanks a lot,
we’ll raise up ourselves thanks for nothing at all.
So get up off the ground for our fathers who are nothing but dust now.

i fear it was christians who hurt the writer of such sad lyrics, not Christ. i am afraid it was a well-meaning christian who condemned rather than loved. who pointed fingers instead of extending grace. who felt it was their place to judge in order to save when saving isn't our job in the first place. maybe i'm wrong. i hope i am.
one thing i do know is that i feel compelled to pray for them whenever i hear "one foot."
i will probably never meet them but i hope that someone who meets them is able to show them the true face of Christ.
'cause you can't raise yourself up, fun.


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