Monday, July 6, 2015

bro am studios

it's happened again, you guys.
jon foreman and co. won me over all over again. not like they needed to but they absolutely did.

they are opening a music school in their hometown for kids whose parent's can't afford private lessons and whose schools are cutting music programs due to funding. there was an article written up about them in the san diego newspaper and you should probably read/watch it.

they are keeping the spirit of bro-am (their yearly surf contest and concert on the beach to raise awareness and funds for stand up for kids- a non profit working to end youth homelessness) alive throughout the entire year. so frickin' inspiring.

and speaking of bro-am, it's this upcoming saturday. and all the compadres (you know, from the second leg of the tour de compadres) are going to be there and i want to go SO BAD. if anyone knows someone with a private plane that would like to fly me to san diego for free i would love them forever.

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