Wednesday, March 2, 2016

graffiti dreams

judah & the lion are releasing a new album this week. on friday. it's their sophomore LP and it's called folk hop n roll and i have big expectations for these fellas. i've been a fan since the first time i heard their sweet tennessee EP. like fan to the point where i leveraged a way to interview them when they came to town and managed to get one of their numbers. like we were almost actual friends. almost.

just yesterday they released a preview of a song of their new album, graffiti dreams, on a website called consequence of sound. it's different than anything they've done before and i'm as hooked as the fish on their album cover. okay, that fish isn't actually hooked but i'm guessing it was at one point to end up in that halved predicament. 

my roommate didn't like it. we actually had words about. we agreed to disagree and just focus on the fact that we both love them as a band. our apartment is small, it can't handle that sort of tension. 

listen to it and tell me what you think! 

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