Wednesday, May 5, 2010

baby you're all that i want....

i admit it, i love american idol. i have a friend who calls it crappy karaoke, another friend who won't watch it purely because it was the "it" show for so long, and i'm sure i have friends who are closet fans and will never admit it. i, on the other hand, think it is an absolutely phenomenal show! on what other show do you have a paint salesman, a high schooler, a glass blower and a mother turn into celebrities overnight? and all for the love of music.
every season i have a favorite (much like everyone else who watches does). a couple of seasons ago daughtry was my numbero uno. last season i pretty much could not get enough of adam lambert. and this season my heart belongs to a boy named casey james. (does anyone else think he looks even just a little like phil joel?????)
watching this season has been interesting being that i don't currently have a tv. so on tuesday nights i kick it at my parents house (gotten them hooked as well, awesomes) to watch and on wednesday i watch at the gym while i walk on the treadmill. it's worked out decently and i've probably improved my health along the way-bonus! anyway, early in the season it was girls on tuesday, boys on wednesday before they whittled it down to the top 12, so i was at the gym on wednesday watching the boys compete for one of those spots when i dang near fell off my treadmill.
sitting on a stool, casey sang "heaven" by bryan adams and i nearly ate it in front of the entire gym. i'm not entirely certain if i sped up or slowed down or what but i do know that one minute i was walking normally and the next minute i was doing some fancy footwork in a vain effort to stay upright. i don't know that he has the vocals to beat out lee or crystal (they are both ri-dic-u-lous-ly good) but i do know that casey will never classify as a "don't."
ps. if you don't watch idol that last sentence will make zero sense to you and if you do watch idol i apologize for being such a cheeseball.

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