Monday, May 3, 2010

where's waldo?

so i occasionally pride myself on being able to spot rock-stars when they are just out and about living life. i lived in nashville for a year and was constantly on "stalker watch" everywhere i went. i spotted the lead singer of emerson drive in the park and two days later saw the guitarist of rascal flatts in a cafe, that was a great week. but the best week of the year for me was GMA week. for those who may not know, GMA week is the magical time of year when all of my favorite people gather in one little city for some showcases and an awards ceremony (someday i'll get to that ceremony, i think i can, i think i can).
anyway record store day happened to fall at the beginning of this week and mute math was playing at grimey's! for free!! of course me and the roomies went. while we were standing waiting for the show to begin i leaned over and said to one roommate, "wouldn't it be great if jon foreman was here?" and as i was finishing that exact sentence i look up and who should be standing on one of the back balcony but one mr. philip zach! haha, i know, he's not jon foreman but he runs a close second! i elbowed my roominator and pointed, mouth agape. first words out of her mouth, "before this night is over i dare you to get a picture with him."

see, i'm a huge stalker.

the whole night i kept one eye on the show and one eye on my dare (creepy? maybe a little but i was on a mission now!). once the show ended and some people cleared out i saw my moment. he was walking alone across the parking lot where the concert was being held, i ran over and said, "you're in remedy drive right?" he confirmed that indeed he was and i asked if he would take a picture with me and explained why. believe me, saying out loud that you were dared to take a picture with someone sounds even dumber than reading it in a blog post. but he was gracious and took the picture with me and even chatted for a few minutes before heading off for the night.

so the question of the day: truth or dare?

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