Monday, October 25, 2010

welcome to the masquerade.

a few weeks back i was able to work thousand foot krutch's merch table when they passed through the cities. tara and i were pretty much all-stars and got everything counted down before tom (the guy who travels with tfk) even made it back to the table. he was mad impressed and half-jokingly said, "see you guys tomorrow" - tfk was playing a show in a town about two and a half hours away. we laughed and said, "haha, yeah sure." then we went and ate the best chips and pico di gallo i've ever eaten.
while we were stuffing our faces with salty, crunchy goodness we got to talking and realized none of us had plans for the next day. so we decided that a mini-road trip was in order.
so on sunday afternoon we piled into a car for the trip up to central minnesota. we stopped at a gas station for tara to use the restroom. then had to stop again about 50 miles later for another bathroom stop, she apparently has a tiny bladder. however, on our second pit stop we found a gem. a big ol' paul bunyan statue! perfect picture op. so after a few fantastic pictures we finished the trek up to the show.
when we arrived we, of course, walked around the building in the wrong direction to find the door to get in. it took us like 20 minutes to find the correct door and we got to the merch table mere minutes before the doors opened. we were greeted with a hearty, "i can't believe you guys actually came!" from tom followed by him running to get us food from backstage and thanking us over and over.
i love free food and as an added bonus: we could actually see the show at this venue! so we rocked out to ivoryline, disciple and thousand foot krutch and sold merch like it was going out of style. tom told us (me and tara) that we were the official tfk merch girls whenever they played a show within 3 hours of the cities! yay!
on the way home we went through an arby's drive through and the next morning i woke up way too early for going to bed so late and had lead gut from the fried food. i felt like a rock star.


  1. Dang Sara, you're a freakin ROCK STAR!!! :D

    I gotta admit, I was a big fan of TFK before my daughter ever heard them (she's 3) and after she heard them and started head-banging to "Falls Apart" I am a DIE HARD TFK fan now... I bring this up to say, I am a bit jealous you got to witness their awesomeness two days in a row and I have yet to see them! LOL!

    Well, if we are ever in your area, at least I know who to request as our merch girls! :D

    God bless and keep the faith!


  2. haha, that is absolutely precious that your little girl head bangs to tfk! LOVE it.
    and yes, i am totally your merch girl if idd ever plays in minnesota!
