Saturday, October 2, 2010

walking with austin. sorta.

one of my favorite things to do is going on walks. i love them, you can be outside, it's exercise (kinda) and you don't get all sweaty like you do if you run. so one night after i was done working at the coffee shop i decided to go on a walk because it was gorgeous out and i had been trapped inside al day. the roommates were all gone so i ventured out by myself. i decided to walk to the lake since there is always a ton of people around and i very much enjoy people-watching. so i'm truckin' along, singing to myself, enjoying the gorgeous evening when i look up and see austin tofte walking down the street with a couple of other fellows! that's right, the brainchild behind swimming with dolphins. i had an inner freak-out session and decided against mobbing him. remember how i can't really control what comes out of my mouth when in the presence of beautiful men who make music? yeah, i think it was a wise choice.
so i finished my walk, all the while freaking out via text to a friend, and eventually ended up back at my place. now i apparently have no self-control and just couldn't leave well enough alone. i wrote mr. tofte a facebook message telling him that i had seen him on the street and i didn't want to be one of "those" fans but i very much appreciate his music and just wanted him to know that. seriously, what possess me to do these things?!
he was kind enough to write back and said that if i ever saw him on the street again that i should most definitely come up and say hello and to keep in touch. what a gem.

pretty sure he wrote these lyrics for me:
i'll be up in the stars
but i'll be anywhere you are
just say you need me and i'll come down

or maybe not.


  1. Haha! your posts are always so happy,, quite the opposite of mine,, huh. *shrug*
