Sunday, September 16, 2012

if you're a five iron fan i would suggest not reading this post.

as a lover all music there isn't much i don't like but there is one genre that i can't really stand. it's called ska.
never got into the supertones, the insyderz, the w's, or five iron frenzy.

horns and guitar= i don't like.

as many people know five iron recently did a kickstarter and got back together. the hearts of all the used-to-be-awkward-teens-now-mid-twentysomethings cheered.
so they put out an album (or maybe they're still working on it??? i don't know, again, i really don't care for ska) and booked a couple of shows. much to the delight of a couple of my roommates, one of their scheduled shows was at lifelight. yay.

one of the most intruiging things about five iron frenzy is that their frontman, reese roper, refuses to sign anything. he says he doesn't want it to be about him, he wants it to be about God.
well that's wonderful, i say!
but here's the catch: he is a COMPLETE showboat onstage. i caught a good portion of their show at lifelight and here are just some of the "God-glorifying" antics that happened during that show:

-he just ran circles around and around the trapset
-someone threw a potato onstage, he took a huge bite and spit it on the front row
-he ripped the head off a pinata with his teeth

the entire show seemed to be all about reese roper. i actually can't even remember if he mentioned God, or Jesus, or even loving people at all. maybe he did, but it was in passing and completely outshined by flying potato and the fact that you could tell he was totally winded because he isn't 25 anymore and hasn't toured in years.

i'm all for crazy stage antics and having a good time and putting on a great show (not that i think spitting food on a crowd is a great show but you get my point) but then don't turn around and say that you won't sign the the t-shirt you are selling for profit because it's really all about Jesus when ten minutes ago it was clearly all about you. i wouldn't even care as much if he didn't sign if the whole set was filled with worship music, prayer, and words that truly brought attention to the Lord but to be a complete attention-hog onstage and then refuse to sign afterwards is totally bull.

i'm sure in person reese is a real nice guy. i heard he had a big hand in a church plant. i truly believe that he does care about lost souls.

but cut the crap, reese, and sign a dang poster.


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