Wednesday, September 24, 2014

i'm bringing booty back.

when i was a kid my sister was in a ballet class. i was too young to be in the class so i sat off to the side and watched them in their pink tutu's (cliche but true) and just wanted to be a part.

the next year, when i was finally old enough, they didn't offer the class. totes lame. 

so i got super into music instead. not a regrettable decision.

however, that little girl who just wanted to learn how to dance still lives inside me. so last new year's i made the resolution to take a dance class because new year's resolutions are how i motivate myself enough to try new things. don't judge me, i'm lazy.

i was telling a co-worker about my dance class resolution and she was all, "you should come to the dance class i'm in, it's super fun!" 

PERFECT! i thought. 'i'm in,' i said. 

i took a first day of dance class picture!
sorry, i didn't realize my shirt was semi-see-through
photo bomb: wonderdog

so a couple weeks later i walked into a dance studio in south minneapolis for my first cardio funk class. yeah, the class is called cardio funk. with the word cardio in the title you would think that i would be aware that the class would elevate my heart rate but that didn't so much cross my mind until we were halfway through class and sweat was literally pouring out of my body. that class makes me sweatier than any other activity i have ever done in my life. being sweaty is not my jam. 

not to mention that i am actually a pretty terrible dancer (so the path towards music was probably all for the best). i struggle the most with doing one thing with my feet and something else with my hands, i'm just not wired for it. i have a whole new respect for drummers. 

so despite the fact that i end up drenched in sweat and i'm not good at dancing i actually really enjoy the class. it helps that the entire hour we dance to some pretty great tunes. everything from destiny's child to shakira to iggy. basically it's the soundtrack to every slumber party in 2000 to every slumber party now. 

we are learning a specific dance to megan trainor's 'all about that bass'. i think the song is catchy (so catchy it gets stuck in my head for hours at a time) and fun and has a decent overall positive message about body image but I DON'T HAVE THAT BASS, GUYS. i'm pretty sure my pancake-flat rear wouldn't even qualify as treble. and there's one move that we do (it's during the line, "i'm bringing booty baaaaaack") that's this exaggerated booty swing towards the audience (currently the "audience" is an all-too-honest wall of mirrors) that actually makes me want to die a little bit. i don't have the butt for this type of move and i'm zero amounts of sexy so that combo together makes this move neigh-on impossible. seriously, i look like an awkward 14 year old girl who is trying way too hard to impress some acne-ridden boy at a school dance. 

if we ever record it i will definitely share it because it would be a shame to keep that awful dancing confined to the studio. 

some day i will dance like bey. 


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