Friday, April 30, 2010


in early 2003 i heard the song, 'sadie hawkin's dance' by relient k. i. hated. it.
i felt they didn't have enough great songs on "anatomy of tongue in cheek" to balance out the crappy ones and the few good songs on the album just showcased how much they were wasting their talents on the other songs (think 'marilyn manson ate my girlfriend'). i was not an rk fan.
fast forward to 2007. i was doing an internship at a church in london and a guy in the office played "five score and seven years ago" non-stop. i. adored. it.
the song, 'deathbed' made up for any wrong doing matt theissen had committed in my mind. i loved the album so much (and apparently talked about it enough) that the team bought me the cd as part of my parting present when my internship ended. my friends got to hear me sing the entire 14-minute song (deathbed) while standing on top of the arc de triomphe in paris gazing at a glittering eiffel tower. it's on tape. no, you can't see it.
when i saw them perform 'deathbed' live last summer i pulled out my cell phone and sang at the top of my lungs. it was epic.
never let hate keep you from missing out on a great thing!

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