Saturday, September 25, 2010

the boys are back in town.

merch table story #5 perhaps? i dunno.
the night wasn't off to a great start. i was late (lost track of time talking to my dear mother on the phone), had to pay for parking (my free parking place is no longer free-grrr), and my hair looked like death. neat-o. but i was working remedy drives merch table so all of those negatives were looking up once i got to the show.
i've seen remedy drive a bunch and may have been just a little obsessed with them about 2 and a half years ago. but it's okay, i went to RDA (remedy drive anonymous) and am in my 12th stage of recovery and am now just your average fan who catches a show whenever she can.
so i got to the venue and was filled in on prices just as the doors were opening. fans came, a lot browsed, a few bought and then the show started. there were 5 bands total and remedy drive was last since they were headlining. it was fabulous. i was impressed with the bands i hadn't seen before and remedy drive always puts on a great show.
once the encore was finished and most of the attendees had cleared the building it was time to start packing up the merchandise. so allison and i started counting shirts and tearing down the backdrop when paul and philip came over to help. at one point philip started singing/beat boxing and a little dance party broke out. i've always embraced my white girlness and my dancing shows it. philip mocked me. then we got talking about europe (they had just been there, i was there summer of '07) and paul mentioned that he spent a day in paris and i asked, "did you like paris?" (a little disgustedly, i didn't like paris). philip mocked me. then i asked what other countries they had been in and did some stupid little hand gesture (i'm a hand-talker) and philip mocked me. i looked at him and said, "wow, you are hating all over me tonight." he chuckled and said, "not hating, appreciating." sure sure. so we finished loading stuff and i went to chat with some other people.
as i was leaving the club, my job done, philip was outside on his phone. i gave a little wave and was about to walk off when he asked if i was leaving for the night. um, yeah, that's why i waved. he told whoever he was on the phone with to hold on for a second and then gave me a hug and said it was great seeing me again. i whole heartedly agreed that it was great seeing him again and wished him luck on the rest of their tour. he saluted me.
oh philip, if you and that gorgeous girlfriend of yours ever decide to call it quits, this girl will gladly take an alphabet drop for you.

1 comment:

  1. HAHAHA!!! OOOooOOOOOOOOOO!!!! seriously ;D i'm sooooooo telling mom, im sure you already have, but you know i'm gonna twist it muahaha
