Monday, October 6, 2014

weekend recap...super original, i know.

i leave for africa in 5 days.
there is still a list a mile long of stuff to get done before i leave. so what did i do all weekend? go watch live music obviously. because laundry and organizing all my work stuff and cleaning the house and booking a moving van (did i mention that i'm moving apartments 6 days after i get back from my trip? yeah, i'm an idiot) seemed like no fun at all and live music is tons of fun so i chose that instead. sometimes i'm really not the brightest bulb in the box.

before we get to the concerts, saturday was national taco day (i wish every day was national taco day) so i had some very authentic mexican food (from taco bell) with one of my favorite furry-four-legged friends ever. his name is wonderdog and he LOVES tacos. he was supposed to be patiently waiting for his taco while i took this picture, but who can sit still with a taco in front of their face?

he demolished this taco in approximately 5.8 seconds.
then he sat and stared at me with those big beautiful brown eyes 
until i caved and gave him some of mine.

saturday night there was a benefit concert at my church and my coffee catering buddy and i were asked to do coffee at the event. so we set up our espresso bar and doled out decaf (because it was night and no one wanted regular) lattes, mochas, and americanos while our ears feasted on some local goodness. 2 bands played and they both did a stellar job. proceeds from the evening went to a couple of churches working in the dzalaka refugee camp in malawi africa so definitely a worthwhile cause. and my friend kept making eyes at the drummer in one band. i think they're going to fall in love and have little brunette babies. total win overall for the night.

sunday night i went to see caleb chapman and co. also known as colony house. i had high expectations for these gents...2 of them are the sons of christian music royalty, steven curtis chapman. they used to play with their dad so they've played in front of huge crowds and should know how to put on a decent concert. probably not a fair standard to hold them to but life's not always fair, right? 
their opening acts were decent; they sounded good but the first band was a total snooze fest in the performance department. the second band, knox hamilton, seemed a little more relaxed and confident on stage but i was definitely ready for colony house to take the stage by the time 9:45 rolled around. 
to say i was not disappointed would be an understatement. 
it's really not good to walk into a concert with high expectations and knowing less than a handful of songs (because concerts are always more fun when you can sing along). but these guys brought it. they sounded exactly like they do on their album. they were vulnerable (caleb told the crowd he fears opening his eyes when he's singing and seeing no one listening). they were entertaining. they write meaningful songs. i literally could not think of one thing about the show that i wasn't impressed by.

terrible picture but it was the best one of the ones i took. 
maybe i should invest in a real camera instead of just relying on my phone.

and now we're back to reality. i need to go pack some boxes and swing by the bank and make copies of my passport (you know, so i can't be stolen or stranded in south africa or whatever people get so concerned about passports for).


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