Friday, January 30, 2015

frontman friday: nate ruess

this week has been a very good week. there were warm temperatures, the complete line-up for the compadres tour was announced and it makes my insides so unbelievably happy, and yesterday i went shopping at the buy-the-pound salvation army which is basically my version retail therapy on steroids.

and now i get to dish about one of my favorite things, a man in a band.

today's de' jour: nate ruess
stole this picture straight from wikipedia...the source of all things true.

nate is the vocals behind: fun.
anyone with roommates knows the "share the bathroom mirror" 
game all too well. 

these fellas BLEW UP in 2012. you couldn't turn on the radio without hearing one of their songs. they were everywhere. this is the song that catapulted them to the top. 

i wrote a blog about a song of theirs that makes me sad. it makes me think and makes me wish i could make it better. it's one of those songs that i think are important for Christians to hear. i don't think he wrote it for Christians but i think we need to be the ones to hear it. maybe it will change us. you can read it here if you'd like. or don't. choice is yours. 

and to end on a lighter note, nate did this song with pink and it's one of my favorite duets. so absurdly good. 

ahhhh, the weekend.

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