Friday, August 21, 2015

tour stories: tattoos.

this tour wasn't exactly what you'd think of when you think of 12 tour busses criss-crossing the country with a dozen shows and over a hundred thousand screaming fans. let's just say it wasn't sex, drugs, and rock 'n' roll. it was more prayer, coffee, and worship.

one thing, however, was so rock 'n' roll it brought tears to my eyes.

i ran back to the bus quick to grab something from my bunk. as i was pulling my little curtain back into place the bus door opened and on walked one of my coworkers and a very-tattooed man. after a quick introduction i learned that this inked fella was one of the best friends of my coworker; not only was he there to visit his bro, he had brought his gun and ink with him. and was willing to tattoo anyone on the bus. for just tips.

it was like a dream.

so he got his stuff set up and a crowd had gathered on the bus (thank you technology and group texting) to watch it all go down. i sat there as one of my bosses was getting his tattoo and said to whoever was sitting next to me (if it was you, sorry, i don't remember, i was just so in awe of the moment) "this is exactly what i want a tour bus to be."

my turn was coming up and i realized that the printer (to make the stencil) wasn't on the bus but in the girls' dressing room in the venue. i wanted the outline of minnesota on my left-side rib-cage and the tattoo artist was from tennessee and couldn't freehand an accurate looking minnesota. so i booked it into the venue. only to get a phone call on my way in that my help was needed. by the time i was finished with what i was doing it was time for me to start my job for the night. my dreams of getting a tattoo on a tour bus were dashed. like a glass slipping through your fingers, shattering on the floor.

okay, maybe not that dramatic but the whole night i was a little blue about the fact that i didn't have a fresh new tattoo. like, legitimately sad that my side didn't feel like it was very recently sunburnt.

that tattoo will happen though, gotta show the home state a little body-art love. i will make sure to show it off once it's permanent.

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