Wednesday, August 12, 2015

tour stories: tour casualty

oh hey!
sorry for the complete radio silence while i was on tour. i had the best of intentions to write while i was on the road but those were some LONG days and by the time i made it to my bunk at night i couldn't keep my little peepers open long enough to get anything written down. shame.

but i'm back now and i'm going to do a mini-series of tour stories because who doesn't love a behind the scenes look?

waking up in a new city each day is exactly as much fun as it sounds (shoutout to our bus driver, ben)! one day you're in north carolina and then you wake up and you're in louisiana and it's trippy and fantastic. my favorite mornings were the days i woke up before we got to the venue and i got to see some of our beautiful country rolling by out the bus windows...which was great because a few of the days we didn't see anything but the venue.

houston was one of those stops. we got in late because we were coming from tulsa (and that's a real long drive you guys) so we basically hopped right off the bus and got straight to work. we only had a few hours before doors opened and there's a ton to do to get everything set up. i mean no hate to houston but it was a rough stop. we got in late, the buses had to park like 6 blocks from backstage, and it was approximately a million degrees outside.

i had gotten almost everything set up that i needed to do when i realized i had left 6 boxes on the bus that i needed. frick. i did not want to make that trek more than once, remember it was blocks away and in the sweltering heat, so i sweet talked a dude into letting me borrow a flatbed cart so i only had to make one trip.

i was wearing leggings (no pockets) so i tossed my phone on the cart and put my backpack on top of my phone and wheeled it to the loading dock. the big door had been shut so i couldn't get outside. i walked away from my cart to find someone to open the door for me. i found someone and walked back to the cart, when i got there i picked up my backpack to put it on and my phone was missing.

um, what?

yeah, my phone was gone. obviously i started searching everywhere assuming that someone had taken it because i knew i hadn't put it in my backpack (i know, i'm a complete idiot). the backstage manager saw me frantically digging through my bag and asked what was wrong. i told him my phone was missing and he said, "let's go check at security." so we walked over and there it was. my phone! and the screen was completely obliterated.

i'm not going to lie to you, i cried. houston was the second to last stop of the tour; i was hugely overtired, i was incredibly hormonal (tmi? too bad.), i was really sick of sweating, and i'm the cheapest person alive and all i could think about was having to buy a new phone. i tried to pull it together but i was just done in that moment.

i tell you this so A) you'll feel sorry for me and B) so you know why these tour blogs will have virtually no pictures or will have pictures that i've stolen from someone else. i took a few (and there are some on my instagram: @iamstoriesofagirl) but unless the verizon store can pull them off my phone-turned-literal-piece-of-trash i'm completely out of luck.

thanks for sticking with me, more soon!

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