Tuesday, April 13, 2010

beginning of the love story.

in the beginning there was a girl. she was 12 and about to embark on an adventure that would radically change her world: she was going to her first music festival. upon arriving she set up her tent and wandered the grounds. over the course of three days she took in the sights of multiple stages, the sounds of melodies soaring to the skies and the smells of sweat, fried food and port-a-potty's. before arriving she was most excited to see princess amy grant and prince michael w. smith but quickly fell head over heels for the curly blonde mop of sir phil joel and the rest of his crew (aka: the newsboys). she found that she loved being in the pit surrounded by thousands of people jumping up and down, singing at the top of their lungs. she loved the way music told a story and brought people together. she loved how in that moment she realized this was where she was meant to be and where she would always want to be. by music and love was how she wanted to live. it's 12 years later and she hasn't looked back since.
this is my story. i am that girl. a dozen years after my first music festival and i still can't get enough. there is a soft spot in my heart that is still reserved for phil joel (i'm sure he'd be super thrilled if he knew). this blog is going to be my stories of meeting rock stars (well my version of rock stars anyway), working merch tables (i've worked a few in my day), and a few stories about falling more in love with music and the Creator and creators of music. if you are reading this you may seriously be the only one so thanks much, let's be friends, i'll grow to love you too! if you are a rock star reading this, rest assured, i love you already.

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