Thursday, April 15, 2010

love makes you say silly things.

ever since my first festival i have become obsessed with all things music/musicians. ask any of my friends, they all know. they also all know that i have a tendency to let my mouth run the show once i'm in the presence of rock stars. it's an emotional word vomit that i can't seem to stop! and it always seems to be some physical characteristic that i comment on.

to trevor (the lead singer of thousand foot krutch and fm static) i said, "you have beautiful teeth." to which he replied by sticking out his hand (for me to shake) and said, "hi, i'm trevor." but seriously, go check out his teeth, they really are gorgeous.

to brian (the lead singer of vota) i commented, "you have the bluest eyes in the world. i think they're great." he seemed a bit more fazed than trevor, he just kinda looked at me and mumbled a thank-you.

and finally to ben (guitarist of skillet) i mentioned that i appreciated that he put his full name on facebook, even though he had no control over what his parents named him, because judah is just such a fabulous middle name. he responded by asking me my middle name- which also happens to start with a 'j', we're probably destined to be together.

i always feel dumb after these encounters but secretly hope they will always remember the girl who commented on their teeth, eyes, or middle name.


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