Friday, April 23, 2010

a girl crazier than me

i have a friend named jake. jake used to be a dj at a pretty prominent christian radio station in the midwest and was therefore granted backstage access to all of my favorite festivals. raise your hand if you're jealous. *raises hand*
anyway we were at LifeLight in south dakota and he had an extra backstage pass so he gave it to me for the weekend! finally, i was being granted permission to hang out with the rock stars!
being that jake has a pretty face and a magnetic personality he was always the one to go onstage and plug the radio station and introduce bands. i was standing stage right waiting for the next show and he was onstage doing his thing when i met grace. grace was a 19 year old girl who was interning at the local paper and was asked to take pictures of the event all weekend. she was excited because her favorite band (everyday sunday) was about to play and i was still just thrilled over the fact that i was backstage- it really doesn't take much to make me happy. this is the dialog that unfolded between us:
grace: "so which band are you here with?"
me: "oh, i'm not with a band, i'm with that kid (points to jake)"
grace: "you know jake scott?!"
me: "yeah, we actually met years ago at Bible camp"
grace: "i love his show on the radio, he's really funny. and cute"
me: "haha, sure. it's funny hearing him on the radio because he sounds the same but different on air"
grace: "yeah, sometimes when i pray, i pray using his voice"

eeek! hahahaha, i told jake and he was a little creeped out (probably rightfully so) but i thought it was great! finally, there is a girl out there who is more fanatical than me. like my sister always says, "you know you're someone if you're being stalked."

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